Arianna Huffington quoted in the latest edition of her newsletter, On My Mind, that nearly one billion individuals globally are affected by mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, as reported by the World Health Organization. Furthermore, a recent study revealed that one in every two individuals worldwide will experience a mental health disorder during their lifetime.
Let's change the stats, learn about the signs and symptoms, and receive a certificate once you have completed a Mental Health First Aid Course.
COURSE OBJECTIVES - You will learn:
Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health or substance use crisis.
Have conversations that encourage a person to:
- Talk about their mental well-being.
- Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to mental well-being.
- Reach out to these supports.
Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis situation.
Check in with one's own mental well-being and take action as needed.
WHAT IS INVOLVED - Completing 3 Modules:
Module 1 - Self-directed Module: you will be provided with a link.
Module 2 & 3 - Virtual Classroom: 3.5 hours per day.
Wednesday, Dec 4 &Thursday, Dec 5 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Registration is required between Nov 26 - Nov 29, 2024
Fee - includes link for module 1 and GST. $283.75/person
This price is good till December 30th, 2024.
Mona Cooley at mona.cooley@coolfamilysolutions.com or call 403.512.5558