Mona's Interview with Shaw TV (Part 1 and 2)
Mona's Interview's with Toastcaster
Mona has been a proud member of Toastmasters for years. In this episode, Toastcasters invited back Mona Cooley, Founder, Cool Family Solutions, Past Toastmasters District 42 Governor from Calgary, AB and first guest for the inaugural episode 1 recorded back in 2006 when podcasting was in its infancy and its technology still crude.
You will hear how the podcast started as a High Performance Leadership Project (HPL) for Toastmasters. And with 100 episodes, over 220,000 downloads and 2,000,000 feed hits later, the podcast now serves as a resource not only for the Toastmasters Community, but for anyone who wants to build their confidence and improve both their communication and leadership skills. Hear how both Toastcaster Host Greg Gazin and Mona were excited yet nervous about taking on the project; some of the things they’ve learned about podcasting, the interview process and things they learned about themselves. This podcast is an excellent way to get to know Mona and her journey with Toastmasters.
Mona is offering up another of her incredibly helpful and insightful podcasts. This time, Saving Lives Through Honest Conversations is an deep look at the power of communication and always telling your truth.
Mona recently had the pleasure of interviewing a participant from her Families First Program. To hear and see a first hand account from a real person with real struggles, please watch the link below!

"Mona is straightforward, kind and exactly what our family needed. Navigating the system was taking us nowhere and we feel grateful for some of the the tools that Mona showed us. We use them all the time. "
Cool Family Client