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Thanks to individuals who were prepared to share stories of their struggles and triumphs, the audios are available for you to hear how they worked through their challenging times, what they learned, what they would do different and tips for consideration for others to consider.


​The stories of LIVED EXPERIENCES of these individuals is to let others know they are not alone, and having others benefit from their experiences of struggles and triumphs.

Each have learned that healing happens when they shared their experiences, have had conversations with others who “get it” what they experienced, implemented ideas haven’t thought about and heard others validate them when done well.

Please listen to a few audios from clients who are healing through conversations. The six people below wanted to share their experiences so they could help others.

Audio of Gail SherleyCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 13:30

Life in the Trenches- Supported a Family Member Living with Mental Health Challenges

Audio of AnonymousCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 11:54

Supporting Family with Mental Illness While Keeping My Own Mental Health

Audio of Lorraine CarpinoCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 10:25

Physical Healing - Helping Your Body Work More Efficiently to Heal Itself with Herbs, Vitamins and Energy Field Balance

GMT20200730-160757_Vinny--Mon (3)
00:00 / 13:23
MaryCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 15:08

Borderline Personality Traits/Complex PTSD Challenges

Audio of Susan ZimmerCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 13:38

Emotional and Physical Abuse / PTSD Trauma Healing

Audio of Mitchel RavvinCool Family Solutions
00:00 / 07:15

Anxiety and Depression

CaregivingCool Family
00:00 / 22:12

Vinny is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach/Brain Injury Transition Coach

Living The New Normal! Vinny details her story of being t-boned by a careless driver and her demoralizing journey through the healthcare maze. 15 therapists later, loss of speech, balance, cognitive impairment, depth perception and income, she finally accessed appropriate care, enabling her to  begin living a “new normal!”

Program Spotlight - 10 Week Families Helping Families Sessions




Whether you are a family struggling with painful situations OR mental health issues, addiction, suicide is consuming your family, we’ve got something for you!


Learn “how to” approach difficult situations and have the family engaged in healthy, honest conversations.

23 years ago, conversations in our family involved yelling and were emotionally charged when faced with difficult situations.

Tip Toeing or walking on eggshells, fearful of conflict had us desperate to jump in to fix the situation.

No programs were available for the family, so we learned through trial and error changing what was not working.


Based on the success through lived experiences, Cool Family Solutions offers a program that gets to the root of a problem and format, without lecturing, gives the participants confidence to move forward with the tools given to them.  By weeks 6 & 7 there is a noticeable difference in family dynamics as a result of what was talked about during the program.


“This is a great program that I think is a game changer in mental health.”

-Anonymous Participant


Teaching families (weekly groups averaging 10- 15 people per night) at CMHA for most of 20 years  “how to” approach difficult situations to have positive results, changing the home environment from conflict to calmness.

Implementing group sessions for clients ( weekly averaging 8- 12 people) at Pathways to Housing over 4 years, engaged them in conversations to learn how to be more motivated to make changes. 


“I have done so much work to deal with my mom and this is the first time EVER I feel it has STUCK and I got true SUSTAINABLE results!”

-Jennifer Hooper




The only shame when struggling with conflict, mental health issues, addiction is not reaching out for help to change what is not working.

 Be proactive, it could save a life.


Cool Family Solutions with the support of Thumbs Up Foundation held 10 sessions for those who were ready to learn to improve strategies on how to engage in honest conversations about difficult situations.  Why 10 weeks?  We've tried and tested this program countless times and 10 weeks is what it takes for Families to start to see results, to feel connected with other family members, absorb tools and strategies and to feel hopeful for what the future holds. 


Do you struggle with:


  • Tip toeing or walking on egg shells?

  • Are you fearful of conflict or at a loss of what to say or do to help a family member?

  • Jumping in to fix situations not in your control?

  • Is there an absence of self care?


Learn how to overcome personal family struggles by learning from others with experience and success with this 10-Week Peer Support Program.

You will experience positive results by discovering:

  1. How to listen so others open-up to what is happening in their life

  2. How to respond and not react

  3. How to engage in healthy honest dialogues

  4. How to set good wholesome boundaries

  5. How to validate what is working to increase more positive behavior



"Stop the silence and concealing the pain. Start having honest conversations to calm the chaos."


Participants in these group sessions started a new chapter by doing something different.

One participant realized she couldn’t change her loved one, but she could change how she approached the situation.  It was an ‘Ah-Ha!’ moment.  When you change, eventually your loved one's behaviors will start to change too.


“By weeks 6 & 7 of Families Helping Families, there was such a difference in what we were talking about." - Anonymous Participant


Patience is needed!  10-weeks (20 hours) has proven it allows the process of change to happen and results to be seen. The result of effort put in empowers and motivates people to keep going! Families experience results and “how to” listen, so others open up to what is happening in their lives.

To hear and see a first hand account from a participant that took this program, please watch the link below!

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"I have done so much work to deal with my mom and this is the first time EVER I feel it has STUCK and I got true SUSTAINABLE results!"

Jennifer Hooper, Families Helping Families Participant

© 2023 Cool Family Solutions. 

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