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Writer's pictureMona Cooley

Get Out and Walk the Dog!

Question - is it me walking our granddog Juno or is it Juno walking Grandma. We head out at 5:00 am for our walk. He is wagging with anticipation to start the day, bouncing eagerly to get going and nudging Grandma to hurry up. We are strolling along when suddenly a rabbit streaks across our path. I am hanging on for dear life so not to fly through the air. Finally the rabbit disappears out of his sight. Whew, we can move a slight slower pace. Whoops a dog appears, of course socializing is in order and hurry up and go to greet the dog. The journey is not dull as he poops and pees nearly at every tree, bush or whatever his sniffer wants to sniff.

Ted googled to see how many km we were hiking - it is about 5 - 6 km which is an hour and 15 minutes to stop and go with sniffing, peeing and pooping. Juno will have me in great shape by the time Chad and Heather return home from Peru. While Juno and I tour Haysboro, they are doing a 4 day hike and touring for 7 days.

This morning walk, sprint whatever you want to call it has it's perks. It is peaceful, scenery reminds me of my walks in the Assiniboine Valley near Miniota, Manitoba. I feel energized. Juno has shown me a whole new outlook of enjoyment. Instead of using my tapes to do my exercise, I can walk, let the mind roam and sniff the fresh air in beautiful Haysboro.

When we do the same thing over and over again, the body will nudge you to do something different. If you listen to your body, it will tell you whether it is happy or not. The spiritual connection to nature, animals and hum of the back ground sounds is invigorating. I love my morning time as it sets the stage for a great day even if there are twists and turns. My body has been telling me lately to do some things different. I have enjoyed the change.

Life has twists and turns that flash in front of us. Do we do some things different to manage them or do we keep doing the same thing? Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually, we need a variety of things to help nurture all the pieces of us. If one is out of sync, it will have a ripple effect. Approach your life with curiosity, change directions and embrace it all. Listen to your body, it tells you what it feels and wants you to pay attention.

The journey I have been on for 23 years, I have cried, laughed, hurt and boldly expressed my frustrations. I have learned, fell down, got up and kept moving forward regardless of the challenges. I have had SUPPORT beyond my expectations, people joining me on my journey and people moving on with their journey. What I have cherished most regardless if they are still with me or have moved on, the connections are a treasure.

Why did I write this blog? Juno made me do it. It seems these days, dogs and grandchildren are guiding Grandma to do something different. I am asking you, if you are feeling challenged, frustrated or wondering what can have you have a spring in your step, Do something Different!!! You have it in you to WALK yourself through the valley of challenges and rise above the POOP in life.


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