Question asked is: Why Mental Health First Aid and the WHY as stated by the MHCC is"
"Mental well-being fluctuates. Almost 50% of people will develop a mental health or substance use problem in their lifetime ."
" During times when there are more stressors, you may notice signs that people around you are stressed"
"For people living with mental health or substance use problems, these stressors may increase symptoms"
" You may also notice these things in yourself"
I relate to what they are saying. When our daughter was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1995, I wished there was a course like MHFA to know more about the signs and symptoms especially when our daughter came home Sunday from a weekend with friends and sensing something was different about her. She told her dad and I that she had a near death experience. Then, through the week we were witnessing a progression of behaviours that were not making sense and by Sunday night ( a week later) saying she had the cure for aids which had us taking her to the hospital.
After this shocking experience, thanks to a professor at the University of Calgary referring us to lady at CMHA living with bipolar disorder. She educated the family about bipolar disorder and how to manage the ups and downs that were ahead of us. Plus, she talked to our daughter which helped her to know she was not alone. REACHING OUT FOR HELP that day set the entire family up to believing we could get through the difficult times even when it seemed hopeless.
You have an opportunity to learn with others to recognize signs and symptoms, have conversations and to discuss professionals and/or other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being by inquiring about more information about the course and registering with:
Mona Cooley -
MHFA VIRTUAL - February 22 and 23, 2023 8:30 am - 12:00pm MST each day