Reading the book Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzer states:
“the ability to master high-stakes discussions is a key to a healthier and longer life.”
Groundbreaking research done by Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and Dr. Ronald Glaser when they studied the immune systems of couples who had been married on the average of 42 years compared to those who argued constantly with those who resolved their differences effectively. They found – “those who routinely failed their crucial conversations had far weaker immune systems than those who found a way to resolve them well” (End notes: Dean Ornish. Love and Survival: the healing power of Intimacy (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998), 63).
Communication skills are key. How you approach difficult situations not only makes a difference to your health, it makes a difference with your relationships and at work. We are all faced with situations that require us to have open, honest conversations to work through situations. Key to the conversation is to be respectful by listening to each other, clarifying what is heard from each other and determining what is the best way to move forward so it is a win-win for both.
There is great information in this book such as how to Master Crucial Conversations. Your health, relationships and career are important; have an open honest conversations about those difficult situations.
